CYFN Moccasin Mobile Outreach Services Extended to 7 Days A Week

WHITEHORSE – Starting January 6, the Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) expanded the Moccasin Mobile Outreach Service to 7 days a week from 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. The downtown mobile outreach is part of an overall strategy to provide supports and enhance safety in downtown Whitehorse.

The Moccasin Mobile Outreach reduces barriers for vulnerable persons by meeting individuals where and when they need supports. The vehicle will make stops at various locations in downtown Whitehorse as identified on a route map.

The service also has a designated cellphone number and will provide supports such as, clothing essentials, harm reduction supplies, snacks, hot drinks and emotional and cultural connection. Outreach staff have training in first aid, naloxone, and mental health first aid and will provide those they serve with referrals to a range of other support services, including shelter services, meal services, RCMP and/or emergency medical services.

This initiative is funded by Yukon government Health and Social Services as part of the Downtown Safety Action Plan, with additional funding from the Yukon Anti-Poverty Coalition.

The Moccasin Mobile Outreach has been in service for 11 months. During that time, it was apparent that this service was needed every day. It promotes wellness, safety, and connection to those who need it. It’s a beacon of hope to turn to, to let people know that they still matter.

– CYFN Grand Chief Peter Johnston
Photo by Alistair Maitland Photography