Call for Proposals-Two Year Projects
Homelessness Partnering Strategy: Designated, Aboriginal and Rural and Remote funding streams
April 1, 2017 – March 31, 2019
Closing Date: February 10, 2017– 4:30 pm
CFP package:
HPS Background:
The Homelessness Partnering Strategy (HPS) aims to prevent and end homelessness across Canada. It does so by developing partnerships that contribute to a sustainable and wide range of supports to help those who are homeless or at risk of homelessness move towards self-sufficiency through three separate funding streams.
- Designated Funding Stream (Whitehorse only):
Designated funds are targeted to local priorities identified in the 2014-2019 Community Plan, and should be cost-matched (directly or in-kind) by other funding partners. Proposals will be assessed according to whether the projects are meeting or working towards the HPS Community Plan priorities, which are as follows:
- To reduce homelessness through a Housing First approach.
- To improve the self-sufficiency of homeless individuals/families and those at imminent risk of homelessness through individualized services.
- To preserve/increase the capacity of facilities used to address the needs of people who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness.
2. Aboriginal Funding Stream (Whitehorse only):
This stream funds projects delivered primarily by Aboriginal service providers and is also guided by the 2014-2019 Community Plan priorities outlined above. It includes activities that promote inclusion within the Aboriginal community and that are congruent with Aboriginal identity and practices to ensure services are integrated and culturally-appropriate.
- Rural and Remote Funding Stream (Rural communities only):
Projects that address prevention and reduction of homelessness in communities outside of Whitehorse are eligible for funding. This funding stream does not require funding from other sources, although partnerships are strongly encouraged.
Any questions, please contact:
Name & Title: Donovan Cote, Homelessness Partnering Strategy Coordinator
Address: Council of Yukon First Nations – HPS Community Entity
2166-2nd Avenue, Whitehorse, Yukon, Y1A 4P1
Phone: (867) 393-9222 E-mail: