NEWS RELEASE: Second cohort of immersion students start language program

By October 17, 2024News Release

WHITEHORSE – A second cohort of language students started a full-time language program through the Yukon Native Language Centre earlier this month. The program develops language proficiency among Yukon First Nation youth. Funding for the multi-year program has allowed for the hiring of youth from across the territory to study language.

The language training program will employ 13 Yukon First Nations youth paid to study their language on a full-time basis. The program’s objectives include supporting youth to develop language proficiency, language preservation, documentation, and empowering the Youth to become language champions to carry their language into the future.

Each youth in the program will follow personalized and language-specific learning plans. In addition, they will participate in language learning and sharing opportunities that strengthen their identity, cultural understanding, and connection to the land and community.

This cohort consists of 3 language groups; Hän, Tlingit, and Northern Tutchone with 2 groups based in Whitehorse and 1 in Dawson.

This Yukon First Nations-led approach to language revitalization will continue to recognize, support, and nurture youth potential. Providing students with the tools to inspire and create opportunities for language revitalization in their home communities in the years ahead.

– CYFN Grand Chief Peter Johnston

View the press conference video.

For further information contact:

Roni-Sue Sparvier
Communications Advisor
Council of Yukon First Nations
T: 867.393.9200 ext. 9223 |

Quick facts:

  • The Youth of Today: Language Leaders Tomorrow program is funded and supported by Trʼondëk Hwëchʼin, Teslin Tlingít Council, the Yukon First Nation Education Directorate, Department of Canadian Heritage, and the Yukon Native Language Centre.
  • The first program produced 11 graduates who are all working in the language revitalization field within their Yukon First Nation or other language organizations.
  • Yukon First Nations youth participants include:
NameLanguageYukon First Nation
Abi Billy FreemanNorthern TutchoneLittle Salmon Carmacks First Nation
Azraella OliverioNorthern TutchoneLittle Salmon Carmacks First Nation
Madison Silas-GillNorthern TutchoneSelkirk First Nation
Lauren McGintyNorthern TutchoneSelkirk First Nation
Patricia WallinghamNorthern TutchoneFirst Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun
Magy ToewsTlingítCarcross/Tagish First Nation
Zanya Gallant-McGintyTlingítTeslin Tlingit Council
Cassie JohnstonTlingítTeslin Tlingit Council
Leigha DouvilleTlingítTeslin Tlingit Council
Danielle Van BibberTlingítSelkirk First Nation
Teresa ProceeHänTr’ondek Hwech’in
Jane CoulsonHänTr’ondek Hwech’in
Jem TitusHänTr’ondek Hwech’in
Laurie Van BibberHänTr’ondek Hwech’in