The Assembly of First Nations is a national advocacy organization who represent the First Nation people of Canada. Although CYFN is not a member of the AFN, each of the Yukon First Nations are members. The role and function of the Assembly of First Nations is, as outlined in their Charter:
- To be a national delegated forum for determining and harmonizing effective collective and co-operative measures on any subject matters which the First Nations delegate for review, study, response or action.
- To be a national delegated forum of First Nations which, by virtue of their sovereignty, are the sole legitimate source for what it is, does or may become in the future.
- To be a national delegated forum for the purpose of advancing the aspirations of First Nations and to remain subordinate in strength power and resources to the First Nations jurisdiction for which it is established to serve.
- To perform and adhere strictly, as a sacred trust and duty, to the nature, scope and extent of the delegation granted from time to time by First Nations.
- To seek, utilize and distribute resources for the greater benefit of all First Nations in endeavours that are truly in form and substance national or international in nature and scope and for which delegation has been granted by First Nations.