The Council of Yukon First Nations (CYFN) is pleased to invite your participation in:
The 2016 Yukon First Nation Education Summit
“Finding Our Way Together”
March 1st & March 2nd, 2016
Westmark Whitehorse, Ballroom
201 Wood Street, Whitehorse
Please pre-register by February 23, 2016
Under the MOU on Education Partnership, all parties (Yukon Government, Canada and 13 Yukon First Nations) “share a common vision wherein Yukon First Nations’ students achieve or succeed the full educational outcomes, levels and successes, to the highest standard within Yukon and Canada.”
The outcome of last year’s Education Summit was the Joint Education Action Plan (JEAP) Implementation Strategy.
This past year, CYFN Education, along with partners in education – the First Nation Education Commission (FNEC), Yukon Education, YFN Education Departments and the Joint Education Action Plan working group (Canada, Yukon, FNEC and CYFN) – have continued to meet and move ahead with the initiatives under the JEAP Implementation Plan.
This year, the focus at the summit will be on three key areas:
- Cultural Inclusion Standards in Yukon Public Schools
- YFN Engagement Protocol Framework leading to a formal process for how Yukon Education engages as partners with YFNs on education matters
- Supporting First Nation students in Whitehorse Schools and in the context of cultural diversity.
Our target audience is Chief and Council members, Elders, youth, YFN Education Directors/Managers and CELCs/ESWs/EOCs. CYFN will cover the travel and accommodation costs for four delegates, including FIRST NATION EDUCATION COMMISSION members. We encourage YFNs to cover the costs for any additional representatives that may wish to attend on behalf of their First Nation.
Delegates covered by CYFN will be provided with a travel claim for mileage, meals and incidentals. Reimbursement will be based on CYFN’s travel policy. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided on both days of the summit.
YFN Education Summit Invitation 2016
2016 Education Summit Registration Form
Please pre-register by February 23rd by contacting:
Rose Sellars
Education Programs Coordinator
Phone: (867) 393-9243
Fax: (867) 668-6577